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Symbols and Spiritual Meaning Behind Women's Jewelry and Charms

Part of adopting new hobbies and pursuing our passions is participating in the culture and lifestyle. You may begin to notice women wearing certain jewelry and good luck charms the more time you spend immersed in a culture. Soon you wonder what does that necklace mean? I see it everywhere...but don't find the right time to ask.

These are the spiritual meanings and symbolism behind the jewelry and good luck charms women wear.

Saint Christopher necklaces protect travelers and were popular in 60s surf culture

Saint Christopher surfer style necklaces
Photo: Get Back Necklaces

The Saint Christopher pendant is worn for protection and guidance while traveling both physically and spiritually. He is pictured on the pendant carrying a child on his shoulder and holding a staff in one hand.

If you're in a surfing town, you may see women wearing Saint Christopher necklaces. In the 1960s, surfers in California began wearing the pendants for protection and good luck while traveling. When they 'went steady' with a girl, they gave her their Saint Christopher necklace to wear. The necklaces have been a part of surfing culture ever since.

Turquoise brings empowerment and spiritual growth

Turquoise symbolizes hope, representing heaven, good fortune, and luck. When worn as jewelry, the gem is also a symbol of strength and empower those who wear it. Turquoise is said to offer protection against bad luck, accidents and evil. It represents spiritual growth and increased awareness and higher consciousness.

The gem is believed to aid in healing, with anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. Turquoise has been used in jewelry for thousands of years, dating back to Ancient Egypt.

Evil eye jewelry wards off evil spirits and brings good fortune and health

Photo: Sequin NYC
Photo: Sequin NYC

The history of the evil eye goes back thousands of years, across many cultures, and is especially popular today in Turkey. An evil eye amulet was believed to have started in ancient Greece, 3000 B.C., designed to reflect back evil that is sent its way, setting a curse on the person who initiated it.

Evil eye jewelry is worn by some women to provide protection against evil spirits for them and their families. The evil eye is believed to bring good luck, health, and success to the person who wears it.

Seashell jewelry symbolizes love and fertility

Seashell necklaces
Photo: Etsy/Angelantis

Seashells have been used to make earrings and necklaces dating over 100,000 years ago, found in Ancient Egyptian and South African cultures. Seashells are believed to carrying healing and divine energy and improve intuition.

Seashells are tied to cycles, and symbolize love and fertility. Wearing seashell jewelry is also believed to improve mental clarity and decision-making.

Puka shell necklaces are good luck

Woman wearing puka shell necklace

In Hawai'i, puka shell necklaces can be gifted to wish someone luck. Sailors were given puka shell necklaces to give them luck to navigate home safely. 'Puka' means 'hole' in Hawaiian.

These beautiful white shells arrive on sandy beaches with a hole naturally carved out, making them easy to string together to create necklaces, bracelets, and anklets.

Amethyst improves flow of thoughts and eases travel anxiety

Amethyst gem
Unsplash/Conscious Design

Amethyst is known to help ease stress and travel anxiety. The purple gemstone symbolizes and encourages peace and calm, two feelings you may need to tap into throughout the day.

Amethysts are believed to improve the flow of thoughts and improves connection to metaphysical dimensions, both during the day and while we sleep at night. It is also believed to bring wealth, respect, and good health.

Maori Koru necklaces symbolize peace and growth

Maori koru necklace
Photo: Etsy/The Official PTL

Rooted in Maori culture of New Zealand, Koru necklaces symbolize harmony and peace. The design is inspired by the unfurling of a fern frond. In Maori history, pounamu pendants in the style of a Koru were exchanged by tribal chiefs after battles as a sign of peace and moving forward after conflict.

The beautiful circular shape represents eternal movement and strength, and also new life and growth. You may be inspired to wear a Koru necklaces if you're in search of peace, recovery and growth after experiencing chaos.

Nose rings can symbolize good fortune in fertility

Women have worn nose rings for centuries, and they have several meanings in different cultures throughout history. In Hindu mythology, the goddess Parvati wore a nose pin to symbolize her status as a married woman. Piercing the left side symbolizes good fortune for pregnancy and easy child birth.

In North Africa, the Berber tribes believe that nose piercings protect against evil spirits and promote positive energy. Today nose rings and pins are a form of self expression that can hold different meanings to each woman.

Chakra jewelry symbolizes balance and free-flowing positive energy

woman wearing chakra necklace
Photo: Buddha Blossom Blues

Chakra jewelry includes symbols for each of the seven chakra centers: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root, and symbolizes the balance among them all. Chakra jewelry is believed to spread balance, prosperity, and positivity.

Chakras symbolize free-flowing energy and the spread of positive vibrations. Wear them as a reminder of staying in balance and checking in with yourself throughout the day.

Hawaiian heirloom gold bracelets are inspired by Queen Victoria

Woman wearing Hawaiian heirloom gold bracelets
Photo: Royal Hawaiian Heritage Jewelry

While in Hawaii you may see many of the local women wearing beautiful gold bracelets. These are Hawaiian heirlooms, and their history dates back to the era of Victorian-style jewelry that was popular during the late 18th century.

Hawaiian culture inspired Queen Victoria and she also influenced Hawaiian jeweler's styles, including filigree, intricate metalwork and floral designs. Hawaiians pass these pieces down through the generations, and gift them on milestone occasions, engraved with the woman's name.

Zodiac jewelry shows off personality

Leo zodiac necklace
Photo: Pola Unique

Astrology lovers like to show their sign with zodiac jewelry. They're great conversation pieces that also show off the personality of each of the twelve zodiac signs.

The meaning of zodiac signs have roots that are millennia old, dating back to ancient mythology. Zodiac astrology explores the inherent personality traits tied to each sign, and zodiac jewelry can make for a great gift to those who deeply connect with their zodiac.

Maori fish hook necklaces for safe travels across water and abundance

Maori fish hook necklace
Photo: Aloha Outlet

Water women can be seen wearing Maori fish hook necklaces, as they symbolize abundance, prosperity and safe travel over water.

Rooted in New Zealand Maori culture, fishing was essential to survival, and a fish hook represented abundance, good luck, and prosperity. The pendants are carved of pounamu, a hard stone found on the South Island of New Zealand.

Flower leis and crowns mean love, aloha, welcome and respect

Woman wearing a flower crown
Photo: Wix

In Hawaiian culture, flower leis are a symbol of celebration and love. They're presented to loved ones on special occasions to honor them, and gifted as a sign of welcome and aloha. In ancient Hawaiian culture, leis were a symbol of wealth, and worn by people of high rank and royalty.

Not only are leis beautiful to look at, but their aroma is divine. In Hawai'i, leis made of pikake flowers are a symbol of love for a sweetheart, while a maile lei is a symbol of respect or honor, to give to a mentor or a graduate.

Horseshoes are a symbol of good luck

Horseshoe necklace is a symbol of good luck
Photo: Katie Diamond Victory Horseshoe Necklace

One of the more well-known symbols is horseshoes, which are born to bring good luck, protection and magic. Horseshoes are believed to be a symbol of good fortune to come, and ward off bad luck.

There are also seven nails in a horseshoe, representing lucky number seven. Wearing a horseshoe on a necklace, ring, or earrings is one of the most classic symbols of good luck.

Do you wear any of these? Let us know in the comments.

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Jun 22

Getting a Saint Christopher's medal from a boy as a 7th grader was the most exciting moment of my childhood! Cool to know that my surfer daughter has a completely different take on them.

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